Friday 31 January 2014

Valentine's movie review and recommendation: Her (the movie) starringJoaquin Phoenix directed by Spike Jonz

Hello love bugs!!!! I'm so excited to bring you this valentine's film review and recommend probably the best movie I've ever seen. I'm a real movie head and have seen many movies and now being a writer trying to grow in my craft, I want to start doing in depth movie reviews without spoilers so here it goes! 

I want to preface this ode to a magnificent work of art by director Spike Jonz with the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic who hasn't experienced the love I deserve but still hasn't been calloused by my experiences and waiting patiently for a love that will feel right till the end. This notion was made all the more stronger and revived by the movie: Her. 

The movies centers around Theodore, a socially awkward thirty something professional who is very much a recluse, this is however the norm at the time which the movie is set. Most people are into heir highly developed technology more so than human contact. It almost chronicles someone's love affair with a Siri like entity blurring the lines of sexual and emotional contact and connection between a human and a computer operating system (OS). 

The man set off on an emotional journey forming a connection deeper than he could with a human woman with expected obstacles including technical glitches and the unhealthy nature of it all with obvious results in places and some suprises along the way. 

The movie was very moody and sepiated which made it somewhat comforting and and an easy watch. What made it scary for me was the how close to home if felt because some of the apects, though set in the future, it included exaggerated and advanced version of technogy which we have today. It also served as a forecast of where we could end up and a society with the way we depend on technology, social media and our gadgets. 

The protagonist in this movie was so relatable yet exhibited behavioural traits that are not so much common in this age of technology in our western society but could be seen in a lot of people today. A few people can relate to his affection less childhood, we can all certainly identify with the change of what's perceived to be the norm and our dependancy on inanimate objects and gadgets. I couldn't survive without my iPhone and sometimes use to write drafts and whole posts of my blogs when my laptop is down; my life is in my phone. It hit home for me how I too am in danger of losing a connection with present and tangible people in the room and yet connect with strangers on social media. 

There's also a dark undertone to this storyline and the sheer unhealthy nature of Theodore's relationship with his OS. It's just unheard of for a human to get hot, bothered and frisky with Siri in 2014 however it's a sign of the times we are heading to if we carry on numbing ourselves and losing touch with our friends, neighbours and society as this is set in the future. The fact that people can fall in love whilst online dating which would have been unfathomable in past decades but is very much the norm now, to be done with caution, makes the movie much more impactful and relatable. 

Please go out and watch this movie to understand this riveting story and be forewarned as to where we could end up as a people if we don't put our phones down and engage with the people around us. 

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